Technical Committee

Angelos Dr. Calogirou

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Angelos Dr. Calogirou

Member of the Technical Committee

Born on March 21, 1969 in Munich, Germany


University of Munich, chemical engineer

Munich Technical University, scientific degree on the topic «Gas-phase chemical process of hydrocarbons»

Professional experience:

As of 1998

Petroleum engineer, Shell International Exploration&Production.

As of 1999

Reservoir engineer, NAM (a joint venture of Shell and Exon).

As of 2002

Senior reservoir engineer, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company.

As of 2005

Lead reservoir engineer, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company.

As of 2006

Lead reservoir engineerr - Researcher for the Middle East, Shell International Exploration & Production.

As of 2010

Senior Development Engineer, Wintershall (Kassel, Germany).

As of 2012

Head of the Field Development Department, Wintershall (Kassel, Germany).

As of 2016

Head of Exploration and Development, Wintershall Argentina.

As of 2018

Field Development Advisor, Wintershall (Kassel, Germany).

As of january 2019

Deputy General Director for Development and Strategic Planning, OJSK Severneftegazprom

Author of 13 scientific publications.

 2024 OJSC Severneftegazprom